Dongfeng Gu

Docker example: application hub with 6 containers

- 4 mins

The basic structure of these docker hub


Comand need to run

1. Initialize the all the container node

# 1. pull the docker images
docker pull ubuntu
docker pull django
docker pull haproxy
docker pull redis

# Note: start the nodes in the following sequence 
# redis-master -> redis-slave -> APP -> HAProxy

# 2. start the redis container
docker run -it --name redis-master redis /bin/bash
docker run -it --name redis-slave1 --link redis-master:master redis /bin/bash
docker run -it --name redis-slave2 --link redis-master:master redis /bin/bash

# 3. start the Django container
docker run -it --name APP1 --link redis-master:db -v ~/Projects/Django/App1:/usr/src/app django /bin/bash
docker run -it --name APP2 --link redis-master:db -v ~/Projects/Django/App2:/usr/src/app django /bin/bash

# 4. start the HAProxy container
docker run -it --name HAProxy --link APP1:APP1 --link APP2:APP2 -p 6301:6301 -v ~/Projects/HAProxy:/tmp haproxy /bin/bash

2. Configure redis-master container

# get the container id
docker ps

# inspect the mounted volume of the redis-master container
docker inspect --format "{{ .Volumes }}" <redis-master-id>

# go to the corresponding folder in your host machine
cd /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/<id>
cp <your-own-redis-dir>/redis.conf redis.conf

# edit the redis configuration file
vi redis.conf
# modify the following settings
# daemonize yes
# pidfile /var/run/

# login your container
docker attach <redis-master-id>

# copy the redis configuration file to the executing folder
# and run the redis server
cd /data
cp redis.conf /usr/local/bin
cd /usr/local/bin
redis-server redis.conf

3. Configure the redis-slave containers ( do the following command for both containers )

# inspect the mounted volume of both redis-slave containers
docker inspect --format "{{ .Volumes }}" <redis-slave-id>

# go to the corresponding folder in your host machine
cd /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/<id>
cp <your-own-redis-dir>/redis.conf redis.conf
vi redis.conf

# change the following settings
# daemonize yes
# pidfile /var/run/
# slaveof master 6379

# login your container
docker attach <redis-slave-id>

# copy the redis configuration file to the executing folder
# and run the redis server
cd /data
cp redis.conf /usr/local/bin
cd /usr/local/bin
redis-server redis.conf

4. Redis container test

# login redis-master container
docker attach <redis-master-id>

# login redis client

# store one data
... > set master testdata
... > get master

# login redis-slave container
docker attach <redis-slave-id>

# login redis client
... > get master

5. Configure Django ( configure for both apps )

# login the Django container
docker attach <app1-id>

# install python redis support
pip install redis

# build the app
cd /usr/src/app
mkdir dockerweb startproject redisweb
cd redisweb/
python startapp helloworld

# exit the container
<Ctrl + D>

# go to the link folder in your host machine
cd ~/Projects/Django/App1

# change the vide file of helloworld application
cd dockerweb/redisweb/helloworld/
sudo su


# from django.shortcuts import render
# from django.http import HttpResponse

# import redis

# def hello(request):
#   str=redis.__file__
#   str+="<br>"
#   r = redis.Redis(host='db', port=6379, db=0)
#   info =
#   str+=("Set Hi <br>")
#   r.set("Hi", "HelloWorld-APP1")
#   str+=("Get Hi: %s <br>"" % r.get('Hi'))
#   str+=("Redis Info: <br>")
#   str+=("Key: Info Value")
#   for key in info:
#     str+=("%s: %s <br>" % (key, info[key]))
#   return HttpResponse(str)

# edit the redisweb setting file
cd ../redisweb/

# add the following to the INSTALLED_APPS section
#   'django.contrib.admin',
#   'django.contrib.auth',
#   'django.contrib.contenttypes',
#   'django.contrib.sessions',
#   'django.contrib.messages',
#   'django.contrib.staticfiles',
#   'helloworld',
# )

# edit the file in the project

# from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
# from django.contrib import admin
# from helloworld.views import hello

# urlpatterns = patterns('',
#   url(r'^admin/', include(,
#   url(r'^helloworld$', hello),
# )

# enter the app container
docker attach <app1-id>

# complete the project
cd /usr/src/app/dockerweb/redisweb
python makemigrations
python migrate
python syncdb
# start the server, note that app2 should have port 8002
python runserver

6. Configure the HAProxy container

# enter the folder in your host
cd ~/Projects/HAProxy
vi haproxy.cfg

# global
#   log local0
#   maxconn 4096  # maximum connection
#   chroot /usr/local/sbin  # change the current work directory
#   daemon        # run the program as daemon
#   nbproc 4      # number of HAProxy instances
#   pidfile /usr/local/sbin/ # pid file location
# defaults
#   log local3
#   mode http
#   option dontlognull
#   option redispatch
#   retries 2
#   maxconn 2000
#   balance roundrobin

#   timeout connect 5000ms
#   timeout client 50000ms
#   timeout server 50000ms
#   listen redis_proxy
#     stats enable
#     stats uri /haproxy-stats
#       server APP1 APP1:8001 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 # your APP1 container
#       server APP2 APP2:8002 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 # your APP1 container

# login the HAProxy container
docker attach <haproxy-id>
cd /tmp
cp haproxy.cfg /usr/local/sbin/
cd /usr/local/sbin/
haproxy -f haproxy.cfg

# note that we need to kill the haproxy process if 
# we make some changes in the configuration file
apt-get install psmisc
killall haproxy

Access the http://:6301/helloworld

Check the status of haproxy by http://:6301/haproxy-stats

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